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1. What does following sign represent?
Left hand curve
Left ascend
Keep left.
2. When a school bus is stopped for picking up or dropping down students
Blow horn and proceed.
Proceed slowly and cautiously since there is chance of students suddenly crossing the road.
No special care is required.
3. Maximum speed allowed for motor cars
No limit
70 Km/hr.
50 Km/hr.
4. How driver can prevent fatigue while driving?
By drinking alcohol.
By resting during the journey at every two hours.
By listening to the music.
5. When child lock is applied in a car
Door can be opened from inside only.
Door can be opened from outside only.
Door can be opened from both sides.
6. Parking in front of a hospital is
Not correct
Stop the vehicle
Proceed with caution
7. Rear view mirror is utilized for
Watching traffic that is approaching from behind
Watching back seat passengers
Car decor
8. Minimum age to avail driving license for transport vehicles is
16 years
20 years
45 years
9. When you are overtaking a car at night, You must be sure that
You do not dazzle other road users
You flash headlamp before overtaking
Your rear fog lamps are switched ON
You have switched your Light to High Beam before overtaking
10. You stop for pedestrians waiting to cross at zebra corssing, They do not start to cross. What shoud you do ?
Be patient and Wait.
Wave them to cross
Sound your horn
Drive ON