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1. What does following sign represent?
Keep left
There is no road to left
Compulsory turn left
2. What does following sign represent?
Give way
Hospital ahead
Traffic island ahead.
3. What does following sign represent?
Right turn prohibited
Sharp curve to the right
U-turn prohibited.
4. What does following sign represent?
Left hand curve
Left ascend
Keep left.
5. More than two persons on a two wheeler is
Allowed in unavoidable circumstances.
Violation of law.
Allowed when traffic is less.
6. You can overtake a vehicle that is in the front
Through the left side of the vehicle ahead
Through the right side of the vehicle ahead
If the road is wide enough
7. When you are overtaking a car at night, You must be sure that
You do not dazzle other road users
You flash headlamp before overtaking
Your rear fog lamps are switched ON
You have switched your Light to High Beam before overtaking
8. Who must you show your driving license on demand ?
A Uniformed Police Officer
A third party after an accident
A Vehicle Inspector
A & C
9. Pillion passenger MUST
Wear a Helmet
Have a Motor Cycle learning license
Be lighter thatn the rider
Wear bright clothing
10. You are overtaking a motorcyclist. What should you do ?
Give as much room as you would for a car.
Try to pass on a bend
Move over to the opposite side of the road.
Pass close by and as quickly as possible